XF 2.2 - Recommended robots.txt | XenForo community

Hello, I've wanted ask, what nowadays is recommended to setup robots.txt for XF2.2 installation. Any recommendations are very appreciated, ...

XF 2.2 - Does XF has a default robots.txt file? | XenForo community

I am thinking maybe my robots.txt is not good and blocking search engine from crawling my site. I would appreciate if someone can confirm to me ...

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XF 2.2 - Robots.txt is not accessible or doesn't exist - XenForo

What should I do? By default, the XenForo package doesn't provide any robots. txt files. Please suggest.

Robots.txt | XenForo community

These are recommendations to the search engine crawlers which can be ignored, but Google and Bing follow them for the most part. There are other ...

robots | XenForo community

XF 2.2 Recommended robots.txt. Hello, I've wanted ... What's the best way to block Baidu spiders from crawling your site and forum? ... Community ยท License ...

How should the robots.txt look like for 2.0.12? | XenForo community

Hi! How should the robots.txt look like for 2.0.12? Can't find the answer, I saw an example, but root folder of the forum doesn't contain ...

XF 2.2 - Robots.txt unreadable | XenForo community

It says either not found or is unreadable. Is your robots.txt indeed present in the /public_html folder as suggested?

XF 2.2 - Save my website | XenForo community

Hello- I am shutting down my forum. My Facebook group has pretty much replaced the forum. Is there a way to save the entire site in case I ...

Where is the robots.txt file? | XenForo community

There is no default robots.txt file included in XenForo, but it's very easy to create one. Just upload it to the root of your installation.

XF 2.2 - indexed, blocked by robots.txt | XenForo community

Hi since April i have this warnings increasing "'Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt'" I didn't change my robots.txt at least 4 years so ...